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Setting the Table for Thanksgiving

Setting the Table for Thanksgiving

These days I find it rare that we sit down at a table to eat, let alone actually set the table before we sit down. This might be one reason I’m very excited about hosting my little family for our Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year. We will have a bigger Thanksgiving celebration a couple of days later when my brother-in-law and his new wife can join us, but we can’t let the official holiday slip past us without notice.
Planning for Thanksgiving started for me back in August, I think… probably because I was a project manager in my earlier career. This has been both a blessing and a curse as I find myself planning events months ahead. My sweet mother-in-law just laughs and says, “It’s still a long time away, don’t worry about it yet!” But I do. I did. Until now, when it’s not so far away. Now that Thanksgiving is THIS MONTH(!!!) I get to plan all I want! No more “worry” now, it’s full speed ahead planning mode!
I don’t know what I’m more excited about: Decorating the table, Setting the table or all of the food!
I wrote a blog here for decorating ideas in case you need a few ideas. Just don’t stress about the decor, relax and look for easy, inexpensive ways to make the table look amazing and festive! And if, like me, you’re wondering about the best way to set the table, here’s a great guide below.
Doesn’t this just make you want to practice this weekend? My husband will probably appreciate this blog as I have a feeling dinner time will look a little nicer this weekend.
Most importantly, remember, Thanksgiving is less about the way everything looks and more about being with people you love and remembering all the blessings of life and this past year.
I sure hope this helps you set your Thanksgiving table!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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